Planning—Westchester County, New York

Historic River Towns of Westchester

The Historic River Towns of Westchester (HRTW), a consortium of thirteen Westchester communities located along 49 miles of the Hudson River, engaged Jonathan Rose Companies to assess the needs of the organization and produce a five-year implementation plan for future growth. HRTW, originally formed by its members to promote tourism in the region, expanded its mission to include waterfront renewal and downtown revitalization, in recognition that these three areas were intricately connected.

The five-year business plan prepared by Jonathan Rose Companies put forth innovative concepts to enhance tourism, waterfront renewal, and downtown revitalization in the region. One important concept developed specifically for the River Towns was that of “Gateway Vision Planning,” which seeks to examine and improve each town's entry point, usually encompassing a commuter rail station with close proximity to the waterfront and the main street area, in a truly comprehensive manner. Other priorities set for the River Towns included the preservation of an historic, walkable, mixed-use development pattern, the maintenance of an adequate supply of affordable housing, and a new emphasis on hi-tech education and businesses.

The business plan also outlined the practical steps the organization will have to undertake to accomplish the proposed work plan. As an ad hoc association with no full-time staff, HRTW was encouraged to consider a full-time director, a part-time staff, and a permanent office. Budgets were presented for both short and longterm organizational development. Jonathan Rose Companies also drew upon the experiences of other similar regional organizations in New York State to provide a basis for comparison and organizational decision-making.

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Project Profile

Strategic implementation planning regarding waterfront renewal, regional tourism, economic development, housing, and downtown revitalization

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Project Status

Completion: 1999

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